GreenHouse for Social Innovators for Young Entrepreneurs from Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia

This gGmbH IBB in Dortmund (Germany), the Georgian Heritage Crafts Association (GHCA), and a non-profit organisation and social enterprise ‘Ukraine without Waste’ with the financial support from the European Union are launching a project “GreenHouse for Social Innovators”.

For two years the project “GreenHouse for Social Innovators” will be strengthening social enterprises from Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine by aligning them with a community of skilled business mentors and potential investors through Bootcamp events and business meetups. It will enhance their economic resilience and positive social and environmental impact through targeted counselling support and business development advice. The project will strengthen intraregional networks and partnerships between young social innovators from project countries and their counterparts from Germany and the Netherlands. The major scope of activities will take place on the territory of Georgia, Poland and Lithuania. The best international trainers will be invited to from EU-based impact labs and social business associations to contribute.

What we aim at

The overall objective of the project is to foster active participation of youth in the labour markets and social economy of Georgia, Belarus, and Ukraine and contribute to sustainable and smart growth, social cohesion and reduction of inequalities in the EaP societies.

The specific objective of the project is to strengthen local young social entrepreneurs' and trainers’ communities in Georgia, Belarus, and Ukraine via launching and running an Acceleration programme with a special focus on sustainable green and digital social business models and international exchange.

What Results We Want to Achieve?

Result 1.  The establishment of the international community of 45 business-mentors from Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine equipped with 8K methodology of small and micro-businesses diagnostics as well as knowledge of green entrepreneurship, digital innovations and mediation skills.

Results 2. 45 social enterprises from project countries run by young entrepreneurs will have their business models diagnosed with advice from the project mentors and reveal the bottle necks and growth points to draft action plans.

Result 3. 45 business strategies will be developed with the support of the project mentors s to increase financial resilience of the social startupers by 30-50 % and strengthen their social and environmental impact;

Result 4. Professional ties between representatives of big business and the participating in the project startups. Our mentees will receive a chance to present themselves to traditional middle and big sized commercial companies with a view of receiving investment, non-monetary support, becoming part of their supply/production chains or beneficiaries of CSR-programmes.  

Result 5. 12 young experts on social entrepreneurship and youth leaders from Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine will establish contacts with social innovators from Germany and the Netherlands for future partnerships during two study visits to be organised during the project.

See our project activities schedule. 

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