Call for Proposals for Conducting Training on Green Entrepreneurship for Mentors of Social Enterprises


The EU-funded project “GreenHouse for Social Innovators” implemented by a non-profit German organisation gGmbH IBB in Dortmund is looking for trainers to conduct practically oriented training on Green entrepreneurship and introduction into circular economy.   

All interested organisations or experts should submit their commercial proposals to the following email address: no later than 28 April 2024. Please, indicate “Green Entrepreneurship Training” in the subject line of your letter. Please see a detailed description of the task below. 


1. Description of the assignment 

1.1. Main Objective 

The main objective of the assignment is to design and conduct practically oriented 3-day long face-to-face training for trainers on “Green Entrepreneurship” for micro and small enterprises for 50 representatives of business communities of Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine. 

 1.2. Specific objectives and the scope of work 

a. Develop and conduct three-day long face-to-face training on 05-07 June 2024 in Tbilisi, Georgia for 50 social startup mentors on Green Entrepreneurship and introduction to the Circular Economy. The training must represent a practicum and include group exercises and tasks for the auditorium with feedback from trainers and moderators.


Methodology: The training programme will prioritize hands-on learning experiences, with group exercises and interactive tasks comprising at least 70% of the training duration. Trainers and moderators will provide feedback to participants.


The training should cover but not be limited to the following topics (negotiable upon the expression of interest):


  1. 1.      Environmental framework conditions in the world: challenges and trends

•             Overview of global environmental challenges and emerging sustainability trends affecting businesses.

•             Discussion on the urgency of addressing environmental issues within the context of social entrepreneurship.

  1.   Introduction to Circular Economy Concepts (briefly):
  • Explanation of circular economy principles and the transition from linear to circular business models.
  • Importance of adopting regenerative practices and resource efficiency in social enterprises.
  1. 3.      Showcase of successful social enterprises implementing sustainable business models.

• Analysis of innovative approaches to product design, resource management, and waste reduction.


                 Case Studies of Green Social Enterprises:

•             Examination of exemplary green social enterprises from diverse sectors and regions.

•             Identification of key strategies and best practices for integrating environmental sustainability into business operations.

4.            Promoting Eco-friendly Practices and Technologies:

•             Exploration of eco-friendly solutions and technologies applicable to social enterprise contexts.

•             Discussion on the adoption of renewable energy, eco-design principles, and sustainable supply chain management.

                Practical Tools for Green Innovation:

•             Hands-on exercises on ideation and innovation for green product development and service delivery.

•             Application of design thinking principles to solve environmental challenges within social enterprises.


b. Compile a comprehensive list of recommendations tailored to social entrepreneurs from Belarus, Georgia, and Ukraine, aimed at enhancing the environmental sustainability of their enterprises. This includes actionable steps for integrating circular economy principles, fostering eco-friendly practices, and promoting stakeholder engagement for sustainability.


1.3 Target group 

50 business professionals, and business-trainers/consultants, business owners from different regions of Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine, as well as representatives of recently relocated companies from Ukraine and Belarus.  


1.4 Responsibilities: 

  1. Conduct 3-day face-to-face interactive training-practicum (that would include active group work and exercises for the audience) 
  2. Prepare easy-to-use training materials 
  3. Prepare report and recommendations on the results of the training  



  1. Deliverable 1: training session 
  2. Deliverable 2: handout materials 
  3. Deliverable 3: training report with recommendations




Experience in: 

  • Track records of successful experience in developing and delivering training on Green Entrepreneurship for SMEs and CSOs. 


Languages: Required: English (C1)

Desirable (but not obligatory):  Belarusian (C1), Ukrainian (C1), Georgian (C1) 


2.6. Indicative Time-Table and Assignment Summary 



Project title: 

“GreenHouse for Social Innovators” 

Short title of assignment 

Green Entrepreneurship

Duty station(s): 

Georgia (Tbilisi)  

Contract type: 

Service Contract 

Duration of Contract: 

5 months 

Dates of Conduct of the offline session 

June 5 –7, 2024 

Languages Required: 

English (C1) OR Belarusian (C1), Georgian (C1) Ukrainian (C1) 

Reports to: 

Oksana Elova, Project Team Leader 


  1. 3.            PAYMENT SCHEDULE 

The payment schedule under this Contract will be agreed upon  after negotiations.

Background of the Project 

The overall objective of the project “GreenHouse for Social Innovators” is to foster active participation of youth in the labour markets and social economy of Georgia, Belarus, and Ukraine and contribute to sustainable and smart growth, social cohesion and reduction of inequalities in the EaP societies. 

The specific objective of the project is to strengthen local young social entrepreneurs' and trainers’ communities in Georgia, Belarus, and Ukraine via launching and running an Acceleration programme with a special focus on sustainable green and digital social business models and international exchange. 

The project has started with the development and implementation of a training programme for future mentors (ToT). The idea behind this component is to create a pool of trainers who will be able to provide advice, mentoring and training to help social and green start-ups to develop in a more sustainable way from different perspectives - to make their projects financially stable on the markets they operate, to preserve and increase social and environmental impact through business process optimization, introduction of new technologies, digital and green solutions, better planning and managing the desired positive effects.   


In total 45 trainers from three countries will be trained during two separate one-week long sessions in Georgia. Georgia is selected to host the offline activities for the reason of being neutral and safe for all participating partners and representatives of target groups.  

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